
“学习者语言”是个什么概念?(上) - 英语教学法原著选读111(有奖练习 签到)

2017-07-07 武太白 武太白英语教学


英语启蒙越早越好?看学术权威怎么说 - 英语教学法原著选读110(家长指南 视频语言探讨 有奖练习 签到)



以下英文原文取自上海外语教育出版社引进出版、授权转载的“外语教学法丛书”之九《语言学习机制》第四章“Learner Language(学习者语言)”:


原文(作者:Lightbown & Spada)



The Concept of Learner Language


As we saw in Chapter 1, children do not learn language simply through imitation and practice. Instead, they produce sentences that are not like those they have heard. These sentences seem to be created on the basis of some internal processes and knowledge which interact with the language they hear, permitting them to discover the complexities of the adult language gradually. Children’s early language seems best described as a developing system with its own interim structure, not simply as an imperfect imitation of adult sentences.


In Chapter 1 we also saw that children’s knowledge of the grammatical system is built up in predictable sequences. For instance, grammatical morphemes such as the –ing of the present progressive or the –ed of  the simple past are not acquired at the same time, but in sequence. Furthermore, the acquisition of certain grammatical features follows similar patterns in children in different environments. As children continue to hear and use their language, they are able to revise these systems in ways which gradually develop towards the system of an adult.


But what about second language learning? Does it evolve in similar ways? Do second language learners develop their own language system in much the same way as first language learners? How does instruction affect the language acquisition of learners who are exposed to the language mainly in a foreign language classroom?



Until the late 1960s, most people regarded second language learners’ speech simply as an incorrect version of the target language. Their errors were believed to be the result mainly of transfer from their first language. Contrastive analysis was the basis for identifying differences between the first and second language and for predicting areas of potential error. So, for example, one might predict that a speaker of French would be likely to express the idea of being cold as ‘I have cold’ in English because this would be a direct translation of the way this meaning is expressed in French (j’ai froid). And, indeed, some errors of this type do occur in learners’ language.

直到1960年代后期,绝大多数人都认为二语学习者的语言只是目标语言的一种不正确版本。人们相信这些学习者的错误主要是从母语迁移的结果。对比分析是区别母语和第二语言不同之处的基础,并且用来预测一些潜在的错误。例如,有人会预测,讲法语的人可能将“寒冷”表达为“I have cold”,因为这是法语中“我感到冷”的直译。事实上,在学习者语言中的确会出现一些这种类型的错误。

As we saw in Chapter 2, however, not all errors made by second language learners can be explained in terms of first language transfer alone. A number of studies show that many errors can be explained better in terms of learners’ attempts to discover the structure of the language being learned rather than an attempt to transfer patterns of their first language. Furthermore, some of the errors are remarkably similar to the kinds of errors made by young first language learners. An example in English would be the use of a regular –ed past tense ending on an irregular verb (as in the example, 'I buyed a bus ticket).

然而,正如我们在第二章中所见,并不是二语学习者所犯的所有错误都能够从母语迁移这唯一的角度做出合理解释。多项研究表明,许多错误能够从语言学习者试图探索所学语言结构的角度来解释,而不是从试图迁移母语的角度来解释。此外,一些错误与年幼的母语初学者所犯的错误明显相似。例如,英语学习中,在不规则动词后面加“ed”表示过去时(例如“I buyed a bus ticket”)。

In addition, it has been observed that the errors are not always bi-directional. A traditional version of the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) would predict that, where differences exist, errors would be bi-directional, that is, for example, French speakers learning English and English speakers learning French would make errors on parallel linguistic features. To illustrate this, let us examine one way in which French and English differ and how this might be expected to lead to errors.




Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

1.Errors made by second language learners can be best explained by transfer from their first language into the target language.

2.According to the authors, "parallel linguistic features" mean the same language points in the two languages involved.



